That said, you're free to say what you like as long as you don't break ToS or the ad hominem rule. The same goes for bringing drama or vendettas here that originated on some other place on the Internet. Name-calling will get the perpetrator's username banned from the sub. Pawn rent requests and equipment trades/gift requests go in the weekly Pawn Rental megathread.Ĭheck if your question has already been answered here or in the Fandom Dragon's Dogma Wiki before posting potential duplicates. Off-topic posts will be removed spam and/or offensive, or offensive off-topic posts will get the username banned. This includes the original release Dragon's Dogma, Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, Dragon's Dogma 2 and even Dragon's Dogma Online- and that includes all console and PC versions of these games. Discord InvitationĪll submissions should be related to Capcom's Dragon's Dogma franchise.
The custom-made Ur Dragon Tracker is here. Helpful links for getting your PS3 Pawn hired